Job Service Forms TYPE OF SERVICE: PRESSURE CLEANINGWALLS • DRIVEWAY • SIDEWALK • FRONT WALKHow many walls01234Condition of wallsPlease Select12345678910Damaged areasNoYesDamaged Areas:Stain AssessmentDriveway: Oil StainsNoYesDriveway Oil Stain Removal Additional CostDriveway: Rust StainsNoYesDriveway Rust Stain Removal Additional CostSidewalk: Oil StainsNoYesSidewalk Oil Stain Removal Additional CostSidewalk: Rust StainsNoYesSidewalk Rust Stain Additional CostFront Walk: Oil StainsNoYesFront Walk Oil Stain Removal Additional CostFront Walk: Rust StainsNoYesFront Walk Rust Stain Removal Additional CostAdditional Services Services Roof Cleaning Driveway or Pavers Sealent Painting Pool Deck, Pool Cages or Back Patio Exterior House Cleaning Roof Safe CleaningGuttersNoYesIf you don’t have any gutters or your gutters leak; we can’t guarantee that run off of chemical may kill or burn plant life. We will try our best to cover and wash down plant life to help prevent this from happening.Broken tiles or roof damagenoyesNumber of damged tiles and or roof damageDead or dying plant life: How many and location(s)Dead or dying grass location(s)Cost for Roof CleaningDriveway, Pavers or Deck SealantAre there any stains that can not be removedNoYesIf yes the sealer will make the stain stand out more Cost for Sealant ServicesPainting ServicesHouse Trim How many colors01234Types of paint WallGoodBetterBestTypes of paint FenceGoodBetterBestTypes of paint DrivewayGoodBetterBestOther areas requiring paintingHOA approved paint codesNoted damaged areasCost for Painting ServicesThis cost is for one, two or all of the above servicesPool Deck, Pool Cage, Back PatioAll items must be removed from area, or we can @ $100.00 per hour, minimum of ½ hour.Pool Deck: Rust StainsNoYesPool Deck Rust Stain Removal Additional CostPool Deck: Oil StainsNoYesPool Deck Oil Stain Removal Additional CostDamaged areas on pool deckNoYesDamaged area(s)Screen CleaningNoYesCondition of screensPlease Select12345678910Any score lower than 5, we can not guarantee that screens will not be blowout or tare.Condition of paint on cagePlease Select12345678910Any score lower than 5, we can not guarantee that paint will not be removed.Cost for Deck, Cage or Patio ServicesThis cost is for one, two or all of the above servicesExterior House Cleaning ServicesWhole house basic soft wash cleaning. This service is for all exposed walls. Screens in pool decks or any covered area will be extra. We don’t remove or replace windows screens. If you remove them we will clean them at no additional charge.Number of Storeys1234Front of House Paint Condition01234Front of House Screens Around Windows Condition01234Front of House Damaged Area(s)Right Side of House Paint Condition01234Right Side of House Screens Around Windows Condition01234Right Side of House Damaged Area(s)Left Side of House Paint Condition01234Left Side of House Screens Around Windows Condition01234Left Side of House Damaged Area(s)Back of House Paint Condition01234Back of House Screens Around Windows Condition01234Back of House Damaged Area(s)Cost for Exterior House Cleaning ServicesThis cost is for one, two or all of the above servicesCost of ServicesService FeesThis fee would be the cost of service or addition services requested by customerAdditional FeesThis cost is a total from above additional services, oil or rust removal from one or all of the above areas, driveway, sidewalk or front walk.Total CostBy agreement to our services payment must be maid by check, cash or credit card. If you are not able to be there when service is being done you can pay with your credit card over the phone with a low 3% surcharge. Payments must be received within 7 days or a lean can be applied to your home and you will have to pay a removal fee of $150.00 plus and other fee associated with the lean. All jobs over $400.00 will need to have ½ down payment and remaining when job is completed * I have read and agree with the payment statement SignatureFile Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB. CAPTCHA